
9 What is the most popular sport in your country? Why is popular?

The most popular sport in Korea is soccer. The first reason is that our national team is considered the best in Asia. The soccer players on our national team and on international teams,that make our nation proud. Korean people believe that it is difficult to compete internationally but many of our athletes are in Europe bringing glory to our country. The second reason is the 2002 world cup. In the Korea and Japan welcome our team had advanced to the semifinals for the first time in world cup history. At that time soccer helped the nation to be united as one. And we enjoyed our national team seating and competing with all the top countries in the world.
8 What is the most innovative invention. Explain why that event is memorable. Include details and examples to support your explanation.

I think the greatest invention until now is the telephone.  The first reason is that it enables us to communicate with people all over the world. It is fascinating to know that I can contact him if I want within a few minutes just by picking up the phone and dialing the number. Before the telephone was invented people had to travel miles on foot to deliver messages. But with a telephone there's absolutely no reason to go through all the trouble. Another reason is that I can bond with friends. If it weren't for the telephone, I don't think I'd be able to build a special relationships with friends. I still contact my elementary middle and high school friends by talking to them over the phone. For these reasons I think the greatest invention is the telephone.
7 Which public place do you enjoy going to? Why do you enjoy going there? Include details on the examples in your explanation.

My favorite place to hang out with my friends is the pub. The first reason is that I can enjoy beer with my friends. I love the cold refreshing taste of beer and it is best to drink it at a pub rather than at home. Although it is more expensive, I enjoy the feeling of drinking beer at a pub, while taking to my friends. The second reason is that I love the atmosphere. My friends and I can reminisce about our childhood days or talk about girls or even our futures there. We can share that special bond between us and being back over our lines. For these reasons my favorite place to hang out is the pub.
6 Describe a moment you had to overcome. Include reasons and details to support your explanation.

The moment I had to overcome was when I got a low score on TOEFL. It was the first time I knew that I wasn't yet qualified. While studying for TOEFL, I thought I was putting night efforts into it. So I believed it was enough, but when I received my test scores, I knew I had to do more. Also I learned to organize schedule. Before I just spent my whole day on studying but I learned that it was ineffective for my studies, so I divided by time and also planned out a specific schedule for each of four sections and this helped me to organize my lifetime schedule as well.

5 What was the most memorable event in high school. Give reasons why and include details and examples in your explanation.

The most memorable event in high school was my graduation. The first reason is that I was able to look back on my school life. I was not a good student at first, because I received low grades and was not motivated to study at all. But because of the teacher's encouragements and motivation, I was able to pull myself together and study hard. And in the end, I graduated with honors. This day help me remember my wandering days and my best teacher. Another reason is that it was time for me to say goodbye to a part of my life and enter into a new one. Graduation made me realize  all the possibilities that lay ahead of me. It made me put myself in perspective and think about what I should do for the future and gather owned a valuable lessons from school. So for these reasons ,the most memorable event in high school was my graduation.

4 Which custom for your country do you think people in other countries adapt. Include reasons and details to support your explanation.

First of all, I think diet plan is something people should adopt. Koreans eat lots of vegetables which are good for their health. Koreans also eat less meat compared to other countries. A diet relatively low and meat cuts fat intake and makes a person feel better. The second thing is respect for others especially the elders. Respect for others according to seniority is a pillar of Korea's traditions. Even though there are people who do not deserve it, if people respect each other, they fave fewer problems in their relationships and in society as well.

Sample 1: Describe something that you do to reduce stress. Explain why it is helpful. Include details and examples to support your answer.

Reading books helps me to relieve stress like nothing else can.

This is true for several reasons. First, when I read a book I mentally enter the world of ideas. I can forget my day-to-day worries.
Second, from an emotional angle, reading is a solitary act. It enables me to spend time alone, away from others. This helps me feel more peaceful.
Third, from a physical perspective, reading allows me to stop working and relax my body. At home, I like to read while lying in bed or on the sofa.

The act of reading transports me to another world. That’s why books are good friends and why reading is such an effective way of reducing my level of stress.    

Sample 2: What is the best quality of a good son or daughter? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

I think the most important quality is kindness.

This is because kindness automatically includes so many other qualities. First, kindness implies that a son or daughter is helpful to the parents. This is critical no matter how old the child is.
Second, kindness means being respectful. There is nothing that touches parents’ hearts more than being treated well by a child. Conversely, nothing hurts parent more than when a child shouts at them.
Last, kindness incorporates so many other positive traits such as thoughtfulness, cooperation, caring, compassion, understanding and so on.

In today’s world, having loving parents is a blessing and children of all ages should honour that through their kind actions.

Sample 3: What is your favourite day of the year? Use reasons to support your answer.

My favourite day of the year is December 31.

This is due to many reasons. Personally, December 31 is full of hope and promise for the year ahead. Like others, I love to make resolutions to improve myself in the coming year. December 31 makes everything seem possible.
Professionally, since I have my own business, December 31 enables me to take stock of my strengths and weaknesses. It forces me to make better plans for the next year
Socially, Dec 31 shows me who means the most to me because you usually think of those people on this day. It is a lovely time when people from around the world are united in joy.

All days in life are special but December 31 makes me feel the most optimistic, hopeful and thankful of all.

Sample 4: Do you like to try new kinds of food or eat the same kind of food all the time? Use details and examples to support your answer.

I prefer to eat the food I know most of the time.

From the time I was young, I was always a bit fussy and finicky about eating. I don’t really know the reason why. I never liked to feel an unfamiliar taste in my mouth. It’s almost as if I could tell how foods tasted without trying them, and so I restricted my diet to those foods I really enjoyed.
As I got older, I realized that I was actually very healthy, even if I was a little thin. So I continued to eat the foods I loved, when I was at home or in restaurants. I never enjoyed going to people’s homes for dinner because the choices would be limited and I didn’t know in advance what they were going to cook.

Oh well, everyone has their pet peeves and this one is mine!

Sample 5: Do you prefer to go out to dinner or stay home and cook a meal? Use reasons to support your response.

I love cooking in my own home.

There are so many reasons for this. First, financially, it’s impossible to eat out often. You would end up spending a lot of extra money for no reason.
Second, health-wise, when I cook at home, I have control and can produce much more nutritious meals. Outside, I have no idea of the quality or quantity of the ingredients they have used.
Third, emotionally, cooking at home makes me feel relaxed, happy and secure. It gives me a warm feeling to know that my home smells of the delicious food that I have cooked. I also enjoy sharing a meal with my loved ones.

That’s why I only eat out on very special occasions or when I have no choice.